New Thoughts Create a New Life

Dr. Laura Cole discovered how powerful her thoughts were when she died in a car crash. She learned we have the power to create a life we love or a life of misery.

This realistic guide to manifesting abundant success will show you how to be the master of your destiny. The only obstacle to creating a life you love is your thinking.

Thoughts have power. Your mind holds the key, and your beliefs will open the door to create a life you love.

With Dr. Laura Cole as their guide, students have used these techniques to double their salary, manifest $10,000 in 90 days, find their soulmate and heal themselves from numerous illnesses.

Learn how to get clear on what you truly want, listen your intuition and take action to turn your dreams into a reality.


4 Surprising Secrets to Quickly Increase Financial Abundance

Transform your finances with this FREE digital book and companion email course, A 28-Day Challenge to Manifest More Money, for free today.


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