An Answer to Every Question

intution Nov 08, 2018

There is an answer to every question and a solution to every problem.

The key is asking those empowering questions to find out what the Universe can bring to you.

This is what I suggest to my clients:

Get a three by five card and write down the question you would like to have answered. Be specific and clear.

"What's the next step in the direction of my dream?"

"Where is my workout CD?"

I use this second example because I had a client who wanted to improve her health. She wanted to find her workout CD because it had been effective before and she was going to do it again. So that was her question - Where is my workout CD?

Well, a couple days later, her daughter and her husband came up to her and suggested they all join a gym and hold each other accountable. She shrugged it off because it wasn't her CD.

The second tap on her shoulder was from her pastor. She went to church. And he actually said, "When you're working out, it's so important to find somebody that can keep you accountable."

At that point in her husband looked at her and said, "Maybe that's your sign!" But still, she was stubborn and said, I want to find my CD!

When we met that week, she said, "My question was not answered."

So, we broke it down.

What were you trying to accomplish?

Well, I want to get healthier.

Great! Were there any clues that you came into your life this past week?

She told me about the gym membership, the pastor and her husband.

I helped her to realize that doing the gym with her daughter and her husband not only affected her health (that she wanted to improve), but it also affected her relationship with her teenage daughter who was pulling away. Part of her vision was to reconnect with her.

You think your way is the only way...but the Universe has better ideas.

Keep your hand open to the answers to the questions that you are seeking. Because something even better can come.

Stay aware to those answers and those ideas.

Peace & blessings,



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