Are You Letting Yourself Get Short-Changed?


Today, I want to encourage you to remember how much you're worth.

Have you ever let yourself get short-changed?

I have.

When I moved to San Antonio, I was told by several interpreting agencies that I would not be hired unless I lowered my rates.

So I did.

But in a short period of time, I realized I was worth more than I was charging.

I've been interpreting for 25 years and I've worked hard to get to where I am.

But I went into scarcity mode, thinking what if I don't get work?

I changed my tune.

I bumped my rates for all the agencies.

And guess what?

I continued to get work because I was charging what I was worthy of receiving.

So I want you to think about that today.

Are you short-changing yourself?

Or are you getting what you deserve?

You've worked so hard, and you're worthy of receiving!


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