Attitude of Gratitude



During the month of November many of us give thanks for the fun stuff, but do we give thanks for our challenges as well? 

Watch the attached video on how to increase your abundance regardless of your current situation.

It’s important to have an “Attitude of Gratitude” no matter what is going on in our lives. 

For example, when I was a sign language interpreter, I broke my hand and had to be out of work for over a month. 

I went from pity and worry to an “Attitude of Gratitude” and realized how I can be thankful for my hand.

I became appreciative on how easy it was to wash my hair or sign my name. There were so many things I took for granted before my hand was damaged.

In those moments of your life that don’t feel so great, change it to an “Attitude of Gratitude” and be thankful for those harsh moments.

I would love to challenge you to be thankful of 10 situations in your life that did not feel great at the time, but you learned to appreciate them later.

Gratitude will increase your level of abundance and improve your mental health especially in the hardest of times.



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