Be Easy on Yourself


Good Morning! This week I am continuing to respond to questions people have asked me to talk about what they are dealing with during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Many individuals are being down on themselves because they feel like they are not doing enough. They feel like they are not staying up to the standards that they had been living pre-corona virus. 

I want to say that is cruel and unloving to yourself. We are in a different time. We are going through a different experience, so love yourself. Maybe it’s time to sit back and enjoy your time. 

I got a wonderful meme today that says…"You will get to know yourself during the hardest times, but you probably won’t recognize it until hindsight" - Stacy Martin

I love that because it made me think about when I went through one of my worst breakups. Even though I had worked hard MY ENTIRE LIFE (looking back I was probably a work-aholic) for a year, I just sat. 

I still got up and did what I needed to do to take care of my kids, but I wasn’t up until midnight every night and then working again in the morning at 5 am. I was so down on myself and then I had a revelation.

During this time because I am not working in my office so hard, I’m spending more time with my kids. Which I have always said is my number one priority, but I found that work was taking over.

Right now, maybe you are being down on yourself because you think you are not doing enough, but realize what you are doing. You are having self-discovery. You are discovering what you would truly love to be doing during this life. Deciding if you really want to be in this relationship.

So be easy on yourself today. In hindsight, it’s going to be okay. Enjoy today and take care of yourself.

This is Dr. Laura Cole with Inspirational Outcomes. I hope you have an amazing day!

P.S.  If you are wanting more daily inspirations, meditations, contemplation and special webinars, come join our DAILY INSPIRATION membership group. The founding members program will only be available until May 31st.  I hope to see you there.


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