Befriending Your Fear

overcoming fear May 01, 2019

I want to teach you to overcome any fear you have.

What can you do?

You can wrap your arms around it and say THANK YOU for being in my life.

Does this sound crazy?


But I want you to control fear instead of fear controlling you.

There is a story about a little girl who ran up to her mom and said, “He’s chasing me! He’s chasing me! What do I do? And the mom says, “Stop running.”

That is what I want you to do. I want you to stop running from things that scare you. Wrap your arms around your fear and say, “I know this means I am growing. It doesn’t mean I can’t. It simply means I haven’t.”

Love your fear. Befriend your fear. Have gratitude because this means that you are on the green growing edge of the greatness you were meant to become.

Love your fear, and it will no longer control you.



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