Blessings come in so many forms. I'm going to show you two different videos that I made just this week. One was from yesterday when I had to move my trailer because a huge storm was coming in. The other was after a hike, and I was feeling fully connected with nature. Watch the video to learn more.
I had to move my trailer in a storm with hail and torrential rain. Christian, a man that works at the wolf sanctuary, had to move the trailer from the sanctuary down to the farm. He had to drive around switchbacks and flooding roads. We barely made it, but I'm blessed that he was able to help me move it.
I also have to tell you that I'm feeling so blessed. I feel like everybody here is in alignment with nature and love. They care for one another and have the best interest in mind for everyone and everything, especially the wolves. It's an amazing place to be.
I want to give a few moments of gratitude that I'm in this place and that I get to have this experience. These are the extremes of my blessings this week.
I want to remind you that I'm doing a 3-day retreat in Paducah, Kentucky, from August 26th-28th. I would love to see you there. The link is below.
In addition, I am about to do a fundraiser for Mission Wolf where I've been volunteering to get them a wheelchair-accessible ramp so they can open up their new visitor center.
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