For the first time in 12 years, since my mother passed away, I cooked Thanksgiving dinner. Watch the video to learn more about how I was able to overcome morning the loss of my mom.
I know it's the week after Thanksgiving, but I have to share this with you.
My mom passed away in 2010. The day after Thanksgiving, and I have refused to make Thanksgiving dinner since then.
But this year, I am visiting North Carolina in my RV and staying with my brother and sister-in-law's family. There are thirteen of us.
For the first time, my brother and I cooked Thanksgiving together. We made a HUGE spread and, it was incredible.
I am feeling so much gratitude.
What I have learned is you re-step into what feels comfortable when you're ready.
It's been 12 years, and I haven't been ready to celebrate this holiday. But I had the opportunity this year, and allowed myself to enjoy it again.
I'm so so very grateful.
(hopefully you can hear my nieces in the background jumping on the trampoline)
I hope you have an amazing day,
Dr. Laura Cole
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