Take Back Control of Your Life


All you need to do to join is simply click this link and you’ll be on your way to a peaceful state of mind. 

Like you, I’ve had to adapt to the challenges of coping and dealing with a new routine since Covid-19 turned the world upside down. It has been a confusing and stressful time for all of us.     

But recently, many of you have reached out to me with private messages asking for more guidance and inspiration as a way to navigate through the day to day challenges that the coronavirus has presented.

I found a great solution!

I’ve wanted to create something for daily inspiration for a LONG time, but other priorities kept pushing it to the backburner. But with all the messages and requests that keep coming in, now feels like the perfect time.

With this in mind, I am creating a program called “Daily Inspirations.”

The goal of the program is to provide daily videos to help you: 

  • Maintain a peaceful state of mind 
  • Focus on the abundance of life instead of fear, anxiety, and scarcity.
  • Focus on your dream and to
  • Continue growing in your Spiritual Journey 

The way it works is each weekday, beginning June 1, you will receive a video via email with a daily inspirational prompt, along with a journal for recording thoughts, feelings, and gratitude’s to help you sustain a grateful heart and a peaceful mind. 

In addition, I will be creating a private Facebook community. The goal of the private group is to have a safe and nurturing place to meet and mingle with others who are on a similar journey. 

Creating this program has kept me up at night with the wheels spinning! I see so much potential and it turning into something even better and truly unique, and that is where you come in. 

I’d love to extend an early invitation to you because I want you to be part of this, especially if you’re willing to help me shape this program into something truly special. 

Meaning, if you join me as a Founding Member and you’re willing to help contribute ideas on how we can make this THE best place for daily inspiration, then I’m willing to extend a “Founding Member” price.

When this program is open to the general public, I anticipate the starting cost to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 per month. So here’s the best part. . .

Join me today as a Founding Member and your price will be half of that at only $10 per month. And you’ll be locked into that founding member price for as long as you remain a member.

So even when I roll out this program to the public at a higher price, and anytime I upgrade the program, your price will always be the Founding Member price.

But you have to act fast. The Founding Member offer is only available until May 31st, and it will never be offered again. The program kicks off June 1, and that is when my attention will turn to rolling this out to the general public (at double the price).

All you need to do to join is simply click this link and you’ll be on your way to a peaceful state of mind. 

I hope you join me today in this journey of daily inspiration and spiritual growth.


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Discover how toĀ break free from negative self-talk and replace it with empowering affirmations in this short, actionable digital book.