Today we are talking about a very exciting subject…FEAR. I like to say it is False Evidence Appearing Real. All it means is that you are on that green growing edge of becoming something bigger and better.
Instead of running from it, I want you to wrap your arms around it and say, “Thank you!” Because this is a sign that you are going to a great place that you have never been before.
Just because there is fear it doesn’t mean you can’t. It only means you haven’t yet.
How can we overcome fear?
When we follow these three simple concepts, we can overcome fear.
So today, if you are feeling scared, worried, or anxious, go back to “What would I love?” Look at your vision statement and feel what it is like to be living that life.
The situation you are experiencing right now is only a fact, and facts will change. The truth of what your Higher Power can do for you will never change.
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