How to Accomplish Your Goals for the Best Year Ever

goals Jan 01, 2019

Do you want to create the best year ever?

You made your resolutions, so now it’s time to follow through!

I would love to give you a few ideas to help you accomplish your goals.

First, write it down-don’t just think it…ink it. Writing is so much more powerful than just thinking, and it uses both the right and left hemispheres of your brain to build a stronger neurological bond. So that is a bonus in itself.

Write down everything you would love to accomplish or come into your life this year. After you write it, sign your name. This helps make a commitment to yourself to get it done.

Second, place the items in order of what feels the most energetically charged to you.

And third, with the top three to five, write a “by when date” that you will hold yourself accountable to getting them done. Then start taking the action steps to accomplish these goals.

I would LOVE to teach you more on how to create your most abundant year ever, so I am hosting three FREE workshops (yes I said FREE) this month.

Click one of the links above to register. Although the workshops are free there is limited seating so you must register in order to attend.

I look forward to seeing you in January!!




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