Please Help Me Manifest

Uncategorized May 20, 2022

I need your help manifesting. There is a specific color three-quarter-ton diesel truck that I would love to have. It's a blue that my neighbors recently got. Every time I see it, it brings me joy. Watch the video to learn more.

I decided that I can ask the Universe whatever I want, and I would love to have a specific blue-colored truck. Either a Ford F 250, which is my favorite, or Ram 2500.

So I'm asking you if you could please hold that energy for me. Send that positivity. See me driving it off the lot next Wednesday. Why Wednesday? Because I have to get a hitch put on it so I can drive my RV home in 10 days! 

Thank you for your support. Please send me that positive energy and let's do it together as a collective conscience. I love you so much. Thank you in advance.


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