Ready for An Energy Experiment?


Ready for a fun challenge?

I'm reading the book E-Cubed and it has a fascinating 3 day experiment:

Not complaining or talking unkindly about ourselves or others.

I started this experiment yesterday afternoon. While I was driving to my job today, I found myself complaining about someone to a friend.

Soooo.....reboot! I'm starting over again.

Will you give it a try?

See how much negativity comes out about others and yourself.

This is the life we form – the energy we put out there comes back to us.

So together, let's try for 3 days. Send me a quick email if you're in.

If you have to start over, that's okay. Just reboot!

We'll not complain and talk only kindly about ourselves and others.

Good luck to me, and good luck to you!

If you're curious to look into the book, it is by Pam Grout and the full title is E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig.


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