Sometimes You Just Have to Break the Rules


Have you ever been in a situation that forces you to break the rules and tap into the deeper wisdom of your heart?

I found myself in one of those moments while interpreting a client's doctor visit.

As an interpreter, I’ve been trained to maintain a neutral, composed demeanor, no matter the situation.

But one day, I was interpreting for a man who had just been given devastating news: he was dying of cancer. 

The problem was that this man had been kept in the dark for so long. His family hadn’t allowed a sign language interpreter to his doctor visits, so this was the first time he was hearing the full extent of his condition.

The room was heavy as the doctor informed him that the chemotherapy was no longer working and that he needed to get his life in order because he only had a short time to live.

I did what I was supposed to do. I interpreted with a straight face, holding it together just like the doctor did.

But as I walked out of the room, tears welled up in my eyes, and the deaf man came up to me.

He thanked me for interpreting.

I started bawling and, without thinking twice, I gave him a hug.

I hugged him because he needed it. I hugged him because, in that moment, we were both lost from the emotional whirlwind that had just happened.

In that moment, compassion was more important than the rules around professionalism.

I didn’t keep my composure, and I hugged the client. I stepped out of my professional role.

Sometimes, we have to break the rules. We have to trust the wisdom of our hearts and do what feels right.

So, the next time you find yourself in a situation where the rules seem to clash with your heart, remember that compassion is always a good guide. Trust yourself to know when it’s the right time to step outside the lines so you can bring a little more light and love into the world.

I hope you have an amazing day!


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