Start Small and Stay Energized


What we focus on expands especially when we give it lots of energy and know in our hearts it has already manifested we just haven’t seen it in form.

Our biggest block to manifesting quickly is negative thoughts.

Watch the video to remove that block and how to do our next fun experiment.

When we begin to focus on what we would love, we have full motivation and energy, but when it doesn’t happen fast enough we start telling ourselves, “This is never going to work. This will not come into my life.”

This blocks the energy of manifesting.

Give yourself the opportunity to stay away from negativity and doubt and have faith that the Universe will provide.

For our next experiment, you will place your intent on getting an answer to a question or manifesting a material item.

Keep it small so it can seem more obtainable to your subconscious.

I asked the question of when I should leave for Hawaii and was told in four different ways the exact dates.

My friend asked if for a free hammock and got it within 14 hours!

For the next 48 hours, stay focused on manifesting what you would love, stay away from negativity and have faith the Universe WILL PROVIDE.



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Discover how toĀ break free from negative self-talk and replace it with empowering affirmations in this short, actionable digital book.