When the Past Calls, Send it to Voicemail

live in the moment Oct 16, 2024

I heard the coolest thing the other day about staying in the now, and I just have to share it with you:

"When my past calls, I send it to voicemail because it doesn’t have anything new to say."

I absolutely love that!

Think about it – we don’t need to make room in our day for the past.

We don’t have to listen to those old thoughts again, or even let other people bring them up.

We can’t change the past, so why give it any more energy?

When those past thoughts come up, relinquish them.

Send them to voicemail. And then just delete them!

You don’t have to listen to them again. Instead, turn your thoughts to the future, to what you’d love to create, and give your energy to that.

So, how’s your voicemail doing? Let me know.

Hope you have an amazing day!


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