Taking Control Through Meditation

For many of us, there is constant chatter in our minds that keeps us out of the current moment to enjoy the NOW.
These thoughts control our emotional state. 
You can take hold of the mind and make a choice to focus on happier, peaceful thoughts.
The first step in training our mind is to observe what we are thinking. .
The meditation below will walk you through on how to observe your thoughts, so you can realize how your mind is leading you to an uncomfortable state.
To become the observer self, we step out of our bodies almost as if we are sitting by our best friend and listening to him/her talk.
You will begin to notice how much time our minds are focused on the past or future instead of staying in the current peaceful moment.
We also notice the self-deprecating thoughts we have about ourselves.
Once you learn to "notice what you are noticing" by observing your mind, you can make the conscious decision to stop thoughts that are not serving you which are causing emotional pain, and change those thoughts to affirmations of loving yourself and others.
You CAN quiet the mind.

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Discover how toĀ break free from negative self-talk and replace it with empowering affirmations in this short, actionable digital book.