The Mind is a Powerful Thing

mindset new thoughts Dec 11, 2024

Yes, your mind is powerful.

I was reminded yesterday about an exercise of writing down two things:

  1. What I would love or want to do in my life
  2. The reason for doing that

One of the things I wrote was I want to laugh more with my son because it allows us to connect.

It's fun. It's joyous to be around a teenager who is laughing. His laughter is contagious and reminds me not to take life too seriously.

I wrote that yesterday morning, and here's what happened at dinner.

He decided to teach me about adolescent terminology. We laughed and laughed as he tried to explain slang terms like "fanum taxing."

If you don't know what fanum taxing is, well, it has something to do with stealing a friend's food.

Very interesting. ๐Ÿ˜‚

The mind is so powerful in what it is manifesting.

Is it creating a life of "I'm sick, always sick" and then staying sick?

Or knowing "I'm healthy, I can be healthy, I can overcome anything."

Every day, keep in mind, in what way are you allowing your mind to be powerful?

Are you allowing your thoughts to hinder and limit you? Or are they expanding your life?

I hope you have an amazing day. 


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