The Tip of the Iceberg


Today, I want to talk about the tip of the iceberg – what's hidden under the surface of our lives.

There are two perspectives we can consider when talking about the iceberg...

1. Understanding Others

First, when we look at other people, it's easy to feel jealous of what we superficially see on the outside. It might be their success, their relationships, or even their material possessions. But you never know what's going on inside. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. We all have struggles that no one else can see, so please keep that in mind.

2. Recognizing Your Own Power

Second, our physical self is just the tip of an iceberg that we can see above the water. There is a vast greatness and beauty in the invisible. It is the source, spirit, God (whichever name you use) who works in amazing ways!

Remember, our physical is limited. We can tap into that resource of spirit and love and all of that invisible power that we can't see. 

I want to encourage you to dive beneath the surface of the visible world. Tap into that invisible spirit. Let it know what you would love to achieve, and start chasing that dream.


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