We Did It!


WE DID IT! We manifested my 2020, Velocity Blue, Ford F250, fifth wheel towing, three-quarter-ton truck. Watch the video to learn more.

All it took was a text from a dealer that I had talked to weeks ago. He reached out to tell me he found a truck, and that he could deliver it to me. What makes this even better is that it's a really good price. 

I'm sending this out to say "thank you" and to reinforce that anything is possible. Especially when we do this together.

I admit that I went into a little bit of worry. That's why I reached out to you last week to ask for your help.

You're the collective conscious that gave me support and energy and look what we did! We did it together.

That's the way co-creating with the Universe works. It's why I teach and live it.

Thank you again for your help and support.

The next time you start to go into worry about something you are trying to manifest, I encourage you to reach out to your collective conscious, including me. 


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