What Will You Paint Today?


I read the coolest thing on my "Just for Today" calendar.

It said, "I remember today is like a blank canvas. Every action, thought, and feeling adds to the canvas. What will I paint today?"

There's something powerful to think about.

Are we painting happy thoughts or negative thoughts?

Are we painting complaining words or affirming words?

What vision are we placing in our mind of where we'd love to be?

Or are we staying stuck in the past where we're unhappy?

Your life is a painting. It's a canvas.

You get to be the creator of your own experience.

Each day is a fresh start, and we have the power to choose what we place on our life’s canvas.

Whatever you focus on will come to fruition.

Not sure what you’ve been focusing on? Just take a moment to look around.

Your life is a reflection of your inner thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

It can be a hard fact, but it's true.

So today, ask yourself: What kind of masterpiece will you create?

This is your life, your blank canvas, and your opportunity to paint a vision of joy, abundance, and fulfillment. 


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