Let's talk a little bit more about asking the Universe for what you would love. Watch this video to learn more.
Last week, I talked about asking the Universe for help with the RV and how I received an anonymous book. It was called RV for Dummies and definitely helped me out. Since then, I've had two different people reach out to teach me more about RVs.
I realized that I don't need to only ask about that. I've also wanted somebody to help me install my compost toilet. I think it'd be very empowering for me to do that. But I keep hitting a brick wall.
So today, I specifically asked for the Universe to send me someone who could help me install my compost toilet. Then, I had this brilliant idea. My stepdad is a plumber. I'm going to see him and he can help me do it. This is a wonderful project that we can do together.
So what's my point? The point of this is to teach you that the Universe is not like a person. You cannot ask too much of the Universe. You can ask for as much as you want, have faith that it's going to come, and then keep the awareness of what you need to do next. The Universe is limitless. So your questions and wants can be limitless as well.
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